Friday, February 5, 2010

100 Day!

Today was Colin's 100th Day of Kindergarten and his class celebrated in many different ways. They made hats, counted to 100 with Fruit Loops, did 100 exercises, drew 100 things they like to ate, were quiet for 100 seconds (wow!) and made a 100 day snack. They were all super cute and I was so glad that today was my volunteer day so I didn't miss it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yummy Yummy!

Caught this little scene before we got going this morning. Colin is totally hooked on Playhouse Disney but he normally plays during Aidan's nap time when he needs to be "quiet" (yeah right!). But this morning he asked to get on after breakfast. Aidan was totally enthralled with watching him navigate the website, playing games and watching videos. For once she wasn't grabbing for the mouse and he was yelling that she was bothering him. So cute to see them together without fighting and wrestling!Love these two kiddos!

Channeling a little wiggles there! But isn't Fruit Salad that has me excited, nope cookie dough! I
made to big batches today, baked some and froze some and of course snacked on a little :) The kiddos were super excited, especially Colin because he loves M&M's and I used the little baking chips in one batch.

We had a fun day at the park and one little meltdown at the Redbox because they didn't have the Scooby Doo DVD pictured on the front in stock - oh the hardships of being five!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The End of T-Ball!

Can't believe that my little guys first t-ball season is already over! Although we were super busy and never missed a game it seems like it flew by so fast! Of course we had to sign him up for fall ball which is coach pitch, so now we have a whole new skill to try to teach C. Between that and starting kindergarten in August, fall is going to have lots of big changes! We are really hoping to be on a team with the same kiddos and coach this fall.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Just testing this thing out!